윤신정Yoon Shin Jeong 지금 당신 옆에 귀신이 앉아있습니다There's a ghost sitting next to you 5min 41sec 친구와 영화관을 찾았는데, 함께 온 친구가 이상한 말을 하기 시작한다. Un Ha was there in movie theater with a friend, the friend that came together started to say something strange .
2019. 1. 3. 23:00
최희승Choi Hee Seung 사랑은 꿈과 현실의 외길목에서Love at the crossroads 5min 30sec 내가 원하던 원치않던 현실은 천천히, 그렇지만 갑작스레 다가온다. 그에 비해 꿈은 여전히 내게 머나 먼 존재 같은데… Love triangle between Kkum and Hyeon-sil with me. Hyeon-sil (meaning reality) came to me slowly but surely, without my consent. On the other hand, Kkum (meaning dream) still feels far away from me. heeseung1021@gmail.com
2019. 1. 3. 20:11